Starting with Me

Knowing Myself Before Finding a Partner
Soft Cover

Whatever your age or life circumstances, Starting with Me helps you prepare yourself for marriage and lay a solid foundation for your future. It offers wisdom from the Bahá’í teachings, time-tested guidance from relationship and character specialists, insights from everyday people on their journey, and transformative questions and exercises.

Starting with Me will empower you to:

- Live a full and happy life that includes service to others

- Learn from past relationships, and move forward

- Conquer your fears and doubts, and avoid pitfalls

- Know yourself and your character – and be able to study your potential partner’s character

- Form realistic expectations and wishes for a partner

- Form friendships that may later become a great match

While you start with yourself, included are plenty of ideas for involving others on your journey, and Starting with Me also lends itself to group study.

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