Heart-warming stories by accomplished authors invite readers to reflect on the life and example of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. In twenty-seven fully illustrated stories, Loving All the World shares ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s deep love for children, fearless championship of justice, and courageous, generous actions. All stories are meticulously researched and richly illustrated in splendid detail. We invite you to discover the power of stories to stimulate reflection, encourage conversation, and inspire action.
“From cradle days to elder years, we all enjoy – perhaps need – stories. Stories can help us to appreciate so very many wonders of this world, including the beauty of diversity, and to see paths toward unity. Stories such as are in this collection also uplift our hearts and draw us nearer to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.” — Jacqueline Left Hand Bull

'Abdu'l-Baha: Loving All the World Stories to Inspire
In the evenings, I would curl up on the sofa and read a story about Abdu’l-Baha. The stories touched my heart and I grew in love for Abdu’l-Baha. The stories inspired me, and the stories gave me an example to follow. As I read each story, all day the next day, I could carry in my heart the happy thought and essence of each precious story.
to love all the world
'Abdu'l-Baha' said to be a Baha'i means to love all the world. This book offers us lovely examples of that. He is the Exemplar of the world, and His life will be studied and pondered for centuries to come. This book, Loving All the World, gives us stories of 'Abdu'l-Baha's tender love for children, for nature, for His beloved Father, for all He interacted with: young or old, no matter what their station in life, no matter their profession or standing in the world, no matter if they were rich or poor. It shows His compassion and His wisdom. These stories show his humor, his intellect, his understanding of each human heart as well as what the world needs to heal and to thrive. This book will be enjoyed by children and adults alike. It's a perfect coffee-table book, with its beautiful art on the cover as well as on each page. I look forward to reading upcoming Volume Two.
Loving All the World
This "children's book" book is not just for children. It is for adults too, and a teaching aid for anyone and everyone. When "religion" has become so polarized and stained by the behavior of many "religious" people, these stories of 'Abdul-Baha can demonstrate what faith in action, in real life, can look like. 'Abdu'l-Baha is not an example just for Baha'is, but for everyone. These stories are simply told, and in various reading levels, that anyone can learn them and share them with others. Some of these stories are new in their treatement of the subject, even new in English. And, a second volume is in process. I highly recommend this book.
Stories to Inspire both Young and Older Readers!
This book, itself a labor of love on the part of numerous educators, authors, artists, book designer, and its consummate editor Barbara Johnson, has something to offer to all of us. Rich in creative content, presented with beauty and care, the volume takes us into the multi-faceted world of 'Abdu'l-Baha and those with whom He intersected. We learn, through stories well told and illustrated, who 'Abdu'l-Baha is, what His childhood was like, why He is known as the "Perfect Exemplar" of the Baha'i Faith and how His life of service provides inspiration for us, and how His travels brought the Faith in its pure form to the West. We also learn how He exemplified oneness and how He interacted with children specifically. Included are stories He told. A second volume of this series will be emerging soon, with even more stories about a Person who can inspire us to be our best selves. I recommend these versatile resources for personal as well as community use. The volumes make great gifts, too.