To Move the World

  • Author: Gayle Morrison
  • Product Code:TMW
  • ISBN: 978-0-87743-188-6
  • Publisher: Baha'i Publishing Trust
  • Pages: 399
  • Availability:  In stock
  • Weight: 18 oz
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Soft Cover
At the heart of the most challenging issue for the American Baha'i community-the problem of obliterating racial prejudice-stands Louis George Gregory. A highly regarded teacher, writer, and lecturer throughout the first half of the century, Louis Gregory is a major historical figure. To Move the World recounts Louis Gregory's 42 years of service (1909-1951) for the Baha'i Faith, examines social and racial forces at work in the United States during his lifetime and the dynamics shaping the American Baha'i community as it struggled to eliminate racial prejudice.
Average rating 8 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

Good Book on Racial Unity

Review by Mehran Majidi on 10/3/2023

The book describes the struggles of the Baha'i black community were facing and how they were able to overcome some of challenges they were facing using the Baha'i teaching regarding race unity.

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