Five Year Plan and the One Year Plan, 2016-2022: Summary of Achievements and Learning

  • Product Code:5YP1YP
  • ISBN: 978-1-61851-252-9
  • Publisher: Baha'i Publishing Trust
  • Pages: 185
  • Availability:  In stock
  • Weight: 20 oz
  • Average Rating: 
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Soft Cover

New 2024 Edition! This volume covers the striking advances made by the global Bahá’í community and the developments at the Bahá’í World Centre that took place in the course of the two Plans during this six-year period. For its readers, this work will serve as a rich source of insight into the processes of the Divine Plan that continue to unfold across the world, as well as a source of inspiration to contribute their share in the coming years to the release of the society-building power of the Faith in ever-greater measures.

Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

Worldwide examples of the foundational society-building processes

Review by Ann Melville on 9/13/2024

Chockful of examples from around the world of the foundational patterns essential for sustained release of the society-building powers of the Faith in ever-greater measures. A beautiful array of the themes from the final two plans of the past twenty-five years and the efforts made. A wonderful resource for maintaining a worldwide view of the Faith's growth and development from the local, regional, national and international levels. Highly recommended reading for clarity of vision and continued exertion of efforts.

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