Most books on leadership focus on skills - those visible aspects of leaders that garner applause, accolades and awards. This book is concerned with what is usually overlooked - the invisible aspects - ones that may never get noticed but without which a leader can never be truly great. This book is concerned with that inner dimension that not only enhances important skills, but determines if the leader will choose to forgo self-interest for the common good. It is those inner qualities, attitudes, and values that equip a leader to accept personal sacrifice in order to catalyze transformation. These are the leaders we need today.
Transformative leadership indicates how we can all show leadership at home, at school and in the organizations to which we belong, without the need of authority or a formal position as the head of a group. Transformative leadership puts emphasis on the interaction between personal and social transformation and focuses on the nobility in each human being, promoting an attitude of service, and a commitment to moral values freely chosen by each person.

Transformative Leadership at the Grassroots
I have been applying the model of Transformative Leadership with junior youth and youth in several Northern Colorado communities. I have found it exceptionally applicable and dynamic when empowering young people to address today's challenges and assist them in exploring their purpose, talents and capacities for service. Transformative Leadership releases powers for personal and social transformation and contributes in laying a foundation to build a just, unified, rich and vibrant community. I highly recommend this book for personal and societal transformation through social action and societal discourse. It will enhance any area of individual and collective capacity building and service to community.