A Spiritual Path to Unity & Social Justice (Pack of 10)

The Baha'i Faith in America
Pack of 10
Soft Cover
eBook - ePub 17287844b   DOWNLOAD HELP

A magazine-format introduction to the Baha'i Faith that focuses on how Baha'is and their friends are systematically applying a spiritual framework for social change to heal the divisions and prejudices afflicting American society. The publication introduces the core beliefs and principles of the Baha'i Faith and illustrates how these are being put into practice through interwoven efforts in community building, social action, and engaging in public discourse. Sold in a pack of 10 magazines.

The welcoming and accessible tone, vibrant photography and explanatory illustrations make this a perfect companion for meaningful conversations among Baha'is and friends of the Faith of all backgrounds who seek a deeper understanding of what Baha'is believe and what they are doing to address the divisions and tensions in America today. This companion to the popular The Baha'is magazine will inspire all those who are striving to remain hopeful and purposeful amidst the turmoil of our day.

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