Brilliant Star: Harmony With Nature

  • Product Code:BS5202
  • Publisher: Brilliant Star
  • Availability:  Not Available for Back Order
  • Weight: 5 oz
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Brilliant Star

Brilliant Star: Harmony with Nature, Vol. 52, No. 2. In this issue, explore humanity’s relationship with Earth and what we can do to protect our amazing home.

  • Discover how Bahá’u’lláh transformed ‘Akká and Shoghi Effendi beautified Bahjí;
  • Exercise your creativity to craft a floating sailboat;
  • Quiz yourself on your planet-saving skills;
  • Learn how Ojibwe leader Nick Hockings shared respect for nature;
  • Follow Maya’s lead and take an Earth-friendly challenge;
  • Draw your vision for the future inspired by Bahá’í environmentalist Richard St. Barbe Baker;
  • Explore the wonders of nature with fun puzzles and activities;
  • Check out ideas and actions from kids around the world who are helping Earth;
  • Learn about climate change’s impact from our STEM Education Advisor, Dr. Steve Scotti;
  • Get to know Dr. Gary Reusche, who empowers kids at his camp in Ukraine.
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