Detective Mihdí Montgomery is not your average mystery novel detective. Far from being a hardboiled, reticent loner, he is an outgoing, happily married father of two children who relies on spiritual principles for guidance in both his work and personal life. But when a rabbi is murdered in a Jewish synagogue in an apparent hate crime, Detective Montgomery’s faith is put to the test.
A rabbi in the Beth Shalom Synagogue has been murdered through a blow to the head with a heavy brass candleholder, and hateful graffiti has been spray-painted throughout the synagogue. As he begins interviewing people with connections to the killing, Detective Montgomery finds that different people had plenty of motives to murder the rabbi. Perhaps it was the real estate agent who was hoping to buy the synagogue if people moved out. Perhaps it was the jealous ex-boyfriend of the woman who was in love with the rabbi. Or perhaps it was the white nationalist who has a history of posting racist flyers in the area. With such a diversity of suspects, Detective Montgomery must move quickly to pinpoint the suspect if he is to keep the synagogue, the town, and his family out of harm’s way.

The Consulting Detective
Fun read, accessible for young and not-so-young readers. Well-written, clever story. Highly recommended.
Consulting Detective
I thoroughly enjoyed Consulting Detective which had me guessing right to the end who the murderer was, as the three main suspects all had plausible motives. A solid detective story without the gruesome details of the murder. Great to see a character basing his personal and professional decisions and actions on the principles of the Baha’i Faith.
Great read!
Tightly plotted and told with humor. The detective doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk. This is an entertaining book that also reinforces a youngster's ability to see a path of moral conduct as a good thing. It's not too preachy, and is a great bridge for a non-Baha'i to learn a little about this Faith. I'd recommend for a youth reading group, or as an activity for English, social studies, or religion classes. Since the book is a fast read, it keeps your attention. The multi cultural elements provide a great basis for comparative analysis to other genre books that might be less dimensional. Well done! I look forward to another detective story by this author.
Consulting Detective
I took my time reading Consulting Detective and very much enjoyed the hours spent with Detective Mehdi in Pine Bluff and its surrounds (a diverse urban area which mirrors many cities in the world today). Detective Mehdi is a believable and likeable character. The story was engaging and the plot complicated enough to be unpredictable. The book makes an important contribution to fiction, bringing a Baha'i perspective to uncovering mysteries and solving crimes.
Consulting Detective
Anyone would enjoy this well-written detective novel. As a Baha'i it was a real treat to see a well adjusted caring family man with so much character as the centre of the story. I have always loved "Who Dunnit?" plots, and this one peels like an onion. I highly recommend this "page-turner".