Esta obra está dirigida a personas con una amplia gama de intereses a quienes preocupe el papel que la religión puede desempeñar en nuestra sociedad contemporánea. Se tratan temas diversos desde la realidad actual del diálogo de religiones, el encuentro y desencuentro de oriente y occidente, hasta el concepto de revelación progresiva. El libro es prologado por el eminente filósofo Raimon Panikkar.
This work is aimed at people with a wide range of interests who are concerned about the role that religion can play in our contemporary society. Various topics are dealt with from the current reality of the dialogue of religions, the encounter and disagreement of East and West, to the concept of progressive revelation.
This work is aimed at people with a wide range of interests who are concerned about the role that religion can play in our contemporary society. Various topics are dealt with from the current reality of the dialogue of religions, the encounter and disagreement of East and West, to the concept of progressive revelation.
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