
  • Author: May Faizi-Moore
  • Product Code:FZSC
  • ISBN: 978-0-85398-568-6
  • Publisher: George Ronald
  • Pages: 412
  • Availability:  In stock
  • Weight: 21 oz
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Soft Cover
Hand of the Cause Abu’l-Qásim Faizi was much loved by Bahá’ís around the world for his wisdom, candor and humor, for the quiet, unobtrusive ways in which he helped the needy, and for the courage and fortitude he instilled in believers, particularly in pioneers living in arduous conditions. His service to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh, his life as a pioneer in a challenging part of the world, his commitment to assisting young people attain their potential, his inimitable charisma, his extraordinary capacity to love his fellow man, his unwavering, clear and totally focused aim in life are recalled in this personal account of his life, written by his daughter.

Through his letters, stories, diaries and accounts, we receive an intimate glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of this spiritual giant as he served first Shoghi Effendi, the Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith, and then the Universal House of Justice.
Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 2 reviews )

Beautiful Memories on the Life of The Hand of Cause, Mr. Faizi

Review by Reader on 7/18/2024

Mrs. Faizi mentioned to me (late 90s) that she was working on putting a book together on the life of Mr. Faizi and since that time I was waiting for this book. I met May Faizi-Moore (the Author) in 2018 and we briefly talked about this book. This book (this is the 2nd edition, 2015, the first one was 2013) will take you on a journey to the life of the Hand of Cause Mr. Faizi. As May shared in the introduction, her focus of this book was more on the character and the personal relationships or Mr. Faizi with family, friends and whomever he came in contact with. This is probably the only English book that was published on the life of Mr. Faizi, and have another smaller book which is called "In Memory of the Friend" (1998). I highly recommend it for anyone, and in particular for individuals and families that are planning to go on pioneering and looking for assistance and guidance.


Review by sola on 8/13/2019

What a book! Thank you Dear May ! i heard about Mr. Faizi from all my family as long as i remember, met him, had a great admiration for him, but reading this book, i found myself in a completely different sphere, crying, laughing and at the same time, being in awe, how much i did not know about this significant, inspiring, pure, Hand of the Cause Mr. Faizi! Truly excellent book, and so timely!

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