Our Friend Mona

The remarkable life of a young martyr
  • Product Code:OFM
  • ISBN: 9780983470144
  • Availability:  Not Available for Back Order
  • Weight: 18 oz
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Soft Cover

Our Friend Mona tells the true story of Mona Mahmudnizhad, a sixteen-year-old girl from Shiraz, Iran who sacrificed her life for her belief in Bahá’u’lláh and the Bahá’í Faith. Written from the first-person perspective of Azadeh Rohanian Perry, a friend of Mona’s and her family, as well as memories shared from Mona’s family members, the book provides a personal and touching account of the harrowing persecution Bahá’ís faced in Iran. Reading Mona’s story, we are challenged to understand how one’s faith can turn fear into courage, anger into calm, and despair at the injustices of the world into a vision of hope for humanity’s bright future. This story is sure to inspire readers of all ages.

Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

Inspiring & Moving

Review by Tiffany W on 3/6/2023

I’ve known about Mona’s story for a number of years; but this book brought me into a closer, more intimate relationship with Mona’s life and legacy. Crafted with such love, care, and respect, it highlights an aspect of Baha’i history that is still unfolding and a demand for justice that will not cease.

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