This eBook eddition of A Privilege So Priceless: Becoming a Better Teacher of the Baha'i Faith, a companion volume to the book Responding, updated with hundreds of new references, takes a detailed look at the subject of teaching the Baha'i Faith. Among topics covered are: why teaching is so important, the individual's role in teaching, the crucial need for wisdom in teaching, the process and psychology of teaching, and systematic teaching as part of the organic growth of the Baha'i Faith. The book also considers several other important aspects, including the unique role of youth.
To better develop our teaching skills, advice and methods of teaching recommended and followed by the Central Figures of the Faith are reviewed, as are guidelines and suggestions for teaching from Shoghi Effendi and the Universal House of Justice. Inspiring historical examples of several renowned teachers of the Baha'i Faith, or some special aspects of how they taught, are also examined. This book is for any reader who wants to be a better, more confident teacher of the Baha'i Faith.