Promises Fulfilled (eBook - ePub)

Christianity, Islam, and the Baha'i Faith
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Soft Cover
Promises Fulfilled examines the promises made in both The Bible and The Qu'ran concerning the coming of the Promised One, and sheds light on the principle objections that prevent Christians and Muslims from accepting the Baha'i Faith. The book also discusses some of the verses in the Bible and Qu'ran that are the cause of tension between Christians and Muslims. Such verses may appear to differ on the topics of Christ's crucifixion, His ascension, and the meaning of Sonship. As Promises Fulfilled demonstrates, however, no contradiction exists between the sacred texts. In addition, this book introduces explanations from the Baha'i writings that can bridge misunderstandings that have arisen between Muslims and Christians, and demonstrates the shared values between the two religions. Some of the topics covered include the Word of God, the Day of Resurrection and Judgement, salvation, the meaning of life and death, miracles, parables, and the meaning of the phrase "the seal of the Prophets."

Nabil I. Hanna worked in the U.S. State Department for fifteen years. Prior to this, he was an assistant professor in Ethnomusicology. He has served at the Baha'i World Center in Haifa, Israel, and has lived in Egypt. Having witnessed firsthand the tensions between Jews, Christians, and Muslims - due to differing interpretations of the Bible and the Qu'ran-- he was inspired to write Promises Fulfulled. He lives with his wife Dora in Annapolis, Maryland.
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