Twigs of a Family Tree is a story about faith. The four chapters of this book, written by four different individuals, are connected through the bonds of spiritual ties. They make up a spiritual family, having learned of or taught the Baha'i Faith to each other. Three of the chapters are about discovering the Bahá’í Faith and connecting to Bahá’u’lláh, and learning how to make the Bahá’í Faith the central guide in one’s life. The first chapter, by Collestan, takes us in an unbroken line back to the days of Bahá'u'lláh. The chapter by Wilder begins with learning of the Faith, but also delves deeply into the personal difficulties she faced while she struggled to understand and follow Bahá’í laws. This is a moving, personal memoir of an individual who honestly discusses the long, arduous path of personal and spiritual growth. She also discusses the important role the recovery community played in her ability to overcome addiction. Simon’s chapter covers topics such as teaching the Faith, obedience, spiritual growth, race unity, and more. The final chapter shows the importance of the Insitute Process today, and how it is an integral part of learning about and becoming part of the Baha'i community today. This book is for anyone who knows the path is not always straight and smooth. It is meant to encourage and inspire, and to assure others that they are not alone in their questions and spiritual tests.
"For those who see the unity of humankind, much is required in breaking out of old paradigms. These are stories of exceptional people who transcended their early programming, and moved to a community of wholeness and acceptance of the complexity of 'humans being' … one that provides a spiritual framework of meaning, belonging, and higher power. Well done!" - Jean Mavrelis
"Twigs of a Family Tree is part teaching story, part history, part love story, and part adventure … told with skill, kindliness, and a wisdom born of experience. A mighty fine job."
-Lynnea Yancy
"A true story of search and becoming, Twigs of a Family Tree presents four unique voices describing the distinctive threads woven into a single living tapestry. These uplifting stories of faith found and unity forged offer hope to our fragmented world." - Dale Lehman
If you have ever wrestled with the BIG questions of life--spiritual, social, and personal--you will find substantial food for thought in Twigs of a Family Tree. Primary author Lucki Melander Wilder rattles the gates of heaven with her tough questions, and rattles readers' assumptions with the unique insights and answers she articulates while sharing her personal 'story of becoming.' You'll also find geek fun, wry humor, and creative use of language along the way. The authors dare you to trot out the 'forbidden topics' of politics, religion, race, and sex, and tame them by removing the stigma and misunderstandings that give them their power. -Claire F. Kuhl
As an ever-curious reader, I greatly appreciated this book and the effort the authors put into it. It even stimulated my own memories of dear people that I have known, people I miss. This kind of book provides a link from absent friends to the rising generation. As a long-time teacher, I was also able to share the authors' description of inter-racial relations to help a student prepare his own life story to present for social studies. I'll continue to use it as a teaching tool when opportunity presents. - Robert Hurley

Twigs of a Family Tree
Hearing about each others' spiritual journeys through life is an honor and a blessing and that experience creates a spiritual connection between the teller and the hearer. Lucki and her co-authors beautifully create that intimate connection through the written word. Honest, thoughtful and deep, the book shares all the messiness of life and how the generations of this family of Baha'is have learned, and are learning, how to apply the Revelation of Baha'u'llah to their lives. Highly recommended!
TWIGS review by Nancy Bagley Four lives, one lifeline This book is fascinating in the way it goes from one person’s story to the next, how they met, what they did together, and where it led. I enjoyed reading the long history of Rezvanieh’s family from the beginning of the Bahá’ís Faith, and the story of how she personally became a Bahá’í. Her struggles and those of her family in Iran, because of government persecution, hurt, my heart to read, but I appreciated that they were brave souls and their faith was very strong. Lucki’s story of how Rezvanieh taught her and supported her through her own struggles was very interesting. Her style is unusual. Her chapter wasn’t like reading a book, it was like having a conversation with her. A long, deep, and fun conversation with a friend. It was like I could hear her voice. Mead has a completely different way of writing. He talks a lot about his wife and child and how he and they share consultation and service as a family, and the importance of faith to them. It amazes me how he describes various principles and how they have affected his life for the good. Theresa’s chapter is very short but deep. I felt happy for her that she found what she was looking for and the affect it had on her and her family members whom she also became a spiritual mother to. I highly recommend this book to people who are searching and want something different to read. I think you will appreciate how the four very different stories are still so connected. It has stories of questions and faith, stories of 12-Step recovery, and even stories about the science fiction world, all of which I enjoy. These were life-changing experiences that made them stronger.
This book is very moving.
Twigs Of A Family Tree was very moving. As I read its pages, it gave me a need to deepen in my Faith even more. Each of the writers with their beautiful words called me home to what was important, Baha'u'llah's teachings and the hope that together we could build a new world of hope and light.