Zikrullah Khadem: la Itinerante Mano de la Causa de Dios (Originally $15.95)

Zikrullah Khadem: The Itinerant Hand of the Cause of God
  • Author: Javidukht Khadem
  • Product Code:SZK
  • ISBN: 978-84-85238-97-2
  • Publisher: Editorial Baha'i de Espana
  • Pages: 488
  • Availability:  In stock
  • Weight: 26 oz
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Soft Cover

Biografía de la primera Mano de la Causa de Dios que se trasladó al hemisferio occidental después del fallecimiento de Shoghi Effendi, escrita por su esposa con la ayuda de sus diarios personales. Destacan algunos relatos de su juventud, la descripción de su nombramiento como Mano de la Causa en 1952, incidentes de sus viajes por todo el mundo y los recuerdos entrañables de una familia centrada en las enseñanzas de la Fe bahá'í.

Zikrullah Khadem is a wonderful story of love that recounts the life of the first Hand of the Cause of God to move to the Western Hemisphere. It is a testimony to the transforming power of one man's love for the Central Figures of the Baha'i Faith, and for Shoghi Effendi. In Spanish language.

Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

A beautiful story

Review by Rezal on 5/8/2018

I found this book in English on Amazon as it was recommended to me to read before I went on pilgrimage and I am so glad I read it! Mr. Khadem's life is such an inspiration as told by his wife and children plus at the end of the book is a few of Mr. Khadem's essays on Baha'u'llah, the significance of Mount Carmel and many others. I highly recommend this book. I had a hard time not crying as I read the many moving stories about how the Khadem family sacrificed for the Faith. Definitely a must-read!

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