This small and convenient prayer book is the perfect size for your purse or hand bag. Seemingly designed for the traveler in mind, it is bound in durable plastic and contains prayers and meditations for all occasions and trials.
Average rating 10 out of 10
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reviews )

I have been looking for this book for a very long time, I was given one like this when I was young, I have longed for it for years
Baha'i Prayers & Holy Writings
I love this small prayer book. It's easy to carry with you and to share with others. In addition to a good selection of prayers and significant tablets, it has a nice selection of a few of the Hidden Words and other familiar writings. The hidden gem in this book is near the end where Shoghi Effendi's five steps to solve difficulties through prayer are included. This book was perfect to give to my Book 1 participants after we studied the importance of prayer.