Eshraq Khavari (Persian)

  • Product Code:PEK
  • ISBN: 9788461368488
  • Publisher: Fundacion Nehal
  • Availability:  Not Available for Back Order
  • Weight: 29 oz
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Soft Cover

Eshráq Khávari (Persian)

Not only an autobiography/biography of an outstanding Bahá’i scholar of the 20th Century, ‘Eshráq Khávari’ tells the story of the organic growth of the Bahá’i Community and its Administrative system in Iran. From the time when regular mode of transport was ‘By Foot’, to Mules, Horses, Dhows, Cars with no seats and finally airplanes, this travel teacher traveled around and taught the faith and when time allowed, he wrote books according to the needs of the community. The book comes with an Audio CD with the riginal voice of Mr. Eshráq Khávari giving his wonderful and very special talks.

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