Nabil's Narrative

  • Author: Zena Zorabjee
  • Product Code:NNAS
  • ISBN: 978-81-85091-54-9
  • Publisher: Baha'i Publishing Trust India
  • Pages: 191
  • Availability:  Not Available for Back Order
  • Weight: 8 oz
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Soft Cover
An abridged edition of The Dawn-Breakers, Nabil's remarkable eyewitness account of the early years of the Baha'i Era. Condensed to 191 highly readable pages, a thrilling account for children, youth, and adults. Recounts events in the lives of the Bab and His followers. It also illustrates the character of the Baha'i revelation by quoting passages from Baha'u'llah's Writings. Has both photographs and is illustrated.
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